Mastodon Woolworths 2014 Conference | My Portfolio

Woolworths 2014 Conference

Developed in 2014 | Alive

Project Briefing

Woolworths hold an annual conference for store managers in each major city in Australia. This application would display live notifications, a calendar of events, interactive surveys and display dynmaic information that would be displayed to the user in realtime. The information would be pulled from an API which had its data populated from a CMS.

This was all time and location based due to the different locations and timezones of said locations.

This application was used by every attendee of the conference, and helped them interact with the conference events.

Woolworths’ Conference application went hand-in-hand with Jamie Oliver’s “Food Revolution”, and promoted healthier eating, more exercising and a generally better lifestyle.

The application downloaded and displayed dynamic digital content provided via the CMS / API we created.

This CMS also enabled push notifications to be sent to the application, allowing for any conference changes to be known of by almost every conference attendee.

Technical Details

  • This iOS application was written natively in Objective-C (as Swift wasn’t out yet).
  • CocoaPods was used for the dependency manager.
  • The server side application (portal and API) was written in Laravel 4. The server side application was hosted with AWS Elastic Beanstalk, leveraging S3, RDS and SNS, and EC2 instances.
  • The REST API fed the iOS application content, transmitting it via our REST API.
